Coveting is one of those sins that we find easier to dismiss as sin. But it is sin. I heard a Tim Keller sermon today called "War Between Your Selves". He defined coveting as wanting anything more than God that I have to have to be happy. According to him, that is the essence of sin. He said it is not loving and resting so much in God that you can be content. Desiring things is ok. We all have things we desire such as financial security, relationships, health, etc. But needing those things for our happiness is when it turns into coveting. God is enough. If we need something in order to be content apart from him, we are saying He isn't enough. Keller said that all immorality is our way out of depending on Jesus as savior. We are telling him that He isn't enough to meet our needs so we have to sin in order to meet them. Philippians 4:12 tells us that Paul has found the secret to being content in any and every situation, whether in plenty or in want. The reason that is...