Tears in a Bottle

Sometimes I go to bed crying, but feel like I've had my share of tears over the years. The thing about singleness and crying in bed at night is that nobody is there to even know you are crying. I remember looking for something under my bed one day and seeing tons of wadded up Kleenex. This has been a rough 10 years. It's lonely feeling that way. Psalm 56:8 says "You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book." Why?  What is the purpose of that?  I picture a room full of bottles of my tears. I guess it's a reminder that He cares about every tear that falls down my face. When I'm alone at night crying, He is there.  He cares. He hurts with me. Thank you God that with you, I'm never alone.


  1. Ps 68:6a says He setteth the solitary in families. God will settle you in your own home.

    Be encouraged.

    Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning Psalm 30:5b

    Have faith in the good God whom you serve. I am a young widow with 3 children. I am confident that my Father in heaven will not leave me nor forsake me. In the fullness of time, He will restore.

    Please read Ezekiel 36:11. God will settle you after your old estate - He can restore you to a glorious marriage. It is not over. There are lots of wonderful men out there and God can arrange one for you because He is a matchmaker.

    Please also read Isaiah 9:10 - God can give YOU something better.

    I love you and pray for you. Please be encouraged, please.

    I got here from ericaroman.me

    Try and enjoy your time as a single. Learn new things. Enjoy your own company. I feel sad when I read your blog. Please cheer up. Thanks and God bless you.

    1. Very encouraging scripture, Erica. Thank you! Not all days are hard and depressing. :) Some of these are just raw emotions on the days when it's harder to be positive. Relying on scripture is a must. I read your story. Praying for you, sister!


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