Singles Adopting
This doesn't really have anything to do with me. I already have 3 kids. But I've had this topic cross my path 3 times in the last week. Normally we think of married couples adopting. It is certainly ideal for a child to have a healthy mother and father. But I think that unmarried singles should absolutely feel free to adopt. If a person desires to have children, but isn't married, I think that loving a child who doesn't have a stable home is a wonderful and selfless thing to do. Single parenting is harder than I ever thought it would be. So if a single person is willing to provide a home for a child without the support of another parent, then I commend that person. Last week at church, there were some adoption stories and one was about a single woman adopting a little girl. Then I saw a video about a woman who never married and wanted children. People told her that she shouldn't adopt because a child needs both parents. She believed that for a long time but then changed her mind. She took in a little girl that nobody wanted or would even lovingly care for in the orphanage because she had HIV. It was the most touching story. Then I saw a single friend on Facebook who just announced that she's adopting. I think this is wonderful. Why should children have no parent at all when they could have one loving one?
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