
Showing posts from July, 2017


Coveting is one of those sins that we find easier to dismiss as sin. But it is sin. I heard a Tim Keller sermon today called "War Between Your Selves".  He defined coveting as wanting anything more than God that I have to have to be happy.  According to him, that is the essence of sin. He said it is not loving and resting so much in God that you can be content. Desiring things is ok. We all have things we desire such as financial security, relationships, health, etc. But needing those things for our happiness is when it turns into coveting. God is enough. If we need something in order to be content apart from him, we are saying He isn't enough. Keller said that all immorality is our way out of depending on Jesus as savior. We are telling him that He isn't enough to meet our needs so we have to sin in order to meet them. Philippians 4:12 tells us that Paul has found the secret to being content in any and every situation, whether in plenty or in want. The reason that is...

Will It Ever Be My Turn?

Will it ever be my turn to be held by a man who is mine? Will it ever be my turn to leave my man a love note or send him a loving text? Will it ever be my turn to be laying in bed with a faithful husband while he's spooning me? Will it ever me my turn to be the girl with my guy's arm around me at church? Will it ever be my turn to brag about the amazing guy in my life to my family and friends? Will it ever be my turn to be the passenger in the car of the guy I love and to grab his hand as he drives? Will it ever be my turn to just be able to be in someone's arms and know we don't have to say anything because we just enjoy being close? Will it ever be my turn to have a man think I'm so amazing that he has no desire to look at another woman? Will it ever be my turn to show off a photo of my man to people who haven't seen him yet? Will it ever be my turn to talk about Jesus with a man I love and know that we are exactly on the same page and want the same things spi...

Tears in a Bottle

Sometimes I go to bed crying, but feel like I've had my share of tears over the years. The thing about singleness and crying in bed at night is that nobody is there to even know you are crying. I remember looking for something under my bed one day and seeing tons of wadded up Kleenex. This has been a rough 10 years. It's lonely feeling that way. Psalm 56:8 says "You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book." Why?  What is the purpose of that?  I picture a room full of bottles of my tears. I guess it's a reminder that He cares about every tear that falls down my face. When I'm alone at night crying, He is there.  He cares. He hurts with me. Thank you God that with you, I'm never alone.

The Highs and Lows of Singleness and Dating

I love this rainbow. I took the photo on a recent bike ride. It perfectly describes the hope I have in the path I walk along in following Jesus. Rainbows represent hope to me. Sometimes you get your hopes up that you may have found someone who would be right for you. It's fun. It makes you feel alive in a way that is hard to describe. It's good to have a reason to make myself pretty. It's a rare feeling when you are looking for something specific in a partner. But it feels good when it comes along. But it rarely works out for one reason or another.  I don't allow my heart to have hope with just anyone. It takes a special someone. I'm realizing how extremely rare the person with the qualities I'm looking for is. I'm convinced that most people settle for what is not right for them because it's hard to be alone. When I first started dating, I had very specific things that I was looking for in a partner. I still have many of those things, but I have expand...

Singles Adopting

This doesn't really have anything to do with me. I already have 3 kids. But I've had this topic cross my path 3 times in the last week. Normally we think of married couples adopting. It is certainly ideal for a child to have a healthy mother and father. But I think that unmarried singles should absolutely feel free to adopt. If a person desires to have children, but isn't married, I think that loving a child who doesn't have a stable home is a wonderful and selfless thing to do.  Single parenting is harder than I ever thought it would be.  So if a single person is willing to provide a home for a child without the support of another parent, then I commend that person. Last week at church, there were some adoption stories and one was about a single woman adopting a little girl.  Then I saw a video about a woman who never married and wanted children. People told her that she shouldn't adopt because a child needs both parents. She believed that for a long time but ...

God's financial provision

I've seen God provide for me financially so  many times and in so many ways during my time of singleness. I firmly believe that obeying God with my finances by tithing is directly correlated to His financial provision. I've been trying not to stress about money lately. I've also wrestled with not wanting to work full time yet so that I can be available to the kids. Even when kids are older, having a parent at home after school, if possible, is so beneficial. But working part time certainly makes finances tight. I keep praying that God will continue to provide for me. The following things have come my way within the last two weeks. I've had two people ask me to take care of their pets for pay. I received a reimbursement check from my chiropractor because apparently my insurance kicked in some towards the bill, which doesn't make sense because they don't cover chiropractic care at all. I got new tires and felt scammed and overcharged, so after giving a negativ...

Physical Touch

It's not something you really think about unless you're single...nobody really ever touches you.  I think it becomes easy to take physical touch for granted when you have somebody in your life. But when you don't, days go by without anybody even hugging you. Before I got married, I wasn't super big on physical touch. I learned to be more that way in my marriage, but I almost feel like I taught my kids not to be very affectionate because it wasn't my primary love language. My kids are around daily. But we don't hug all that often. I don't like it. Sometimes I don't even think about the lack of physical touch I experience until I go get an innocent massage. Someone touching my arm makes me realize that nobody ever really does. It's another part of being that I don't really enjoy, I guess.